Saturday 19 December 2015

Mushroom Path

I did a quick 3D block out in Maya to establish the composition and the light.

Wednesday 9 December 2015


I also put the model on sketchfab:

This is for those who want to look at it from different angles and to see the wireframe.

Saturday 5 December 2015


I have finished my winter project for the Triple A Game Asset.
I have included a screen shot of it from Unreal Engine 4 and all the maps that I have made for it.
After I will submit everything I will try to get it on Sketchfab so that everyone can go and see it from different angles.

Lighting the scene properly and using the navigation system were the hardest parts in UE4.
As it was a completely new engine for me I had to go and do some research and watch some tutorials before I could do anything.
From what I have seen it a really good engine, with more power than unity and in which you do not need to make to many modifications to make something look good.

Some of the tutorials that help me navigate in UE4 and do a decent scene for my model.




The Textures that I had created for this project.(Albedo, AO, Normal, Gloss and Metalness).

Box Textures.

Face Textures.

The Textures for the other parts.

Monday 30 November 2015

Unity- Week 10

This week we learned how to make fire and water in Unity and hot to vertex paint in Maya.
The results are pretty cool. It is something that I will definitely use in the future.

Monday 23 November 2015

Almost there.

Just want to share the stage I am at the moment with the winter triple A game asset.
 As you can see in the images below, I have done all the UV unwrap for my model and started to create the texture maps.
I first used Quixel Suite 1.0 to create the textures and then I closed Quixel and started working on them individually, applying the design of the box and the extra blood.
I choose to close Quixel because it was slowing me down. I had to wait a lot of time for it to do his things and it was quite annoying, especially when you are in a creative mood and you have to wait for a program, even if it is 10 seconds.
 Due to the fact that I could see only the front of the box, and a bit of the top in my reference, I had the chance to express myself on the sides and the back of the box, not just copying what I can see from an image.

I wanted to suggest that the box was used as a murder weapon. Someone using it to smash someone else's skull.
I am quite happy with how the box ended up looking.
I do not know if it is too obvious, but I strategically placed the stars and the blood to guide the viewer's eyes to the frond of the box.
Just wanted to point that out. :)

As you can see I did 3 separate UV Maps. I made this decision after I spoke with my tutor. We decided to go for 3 maps so I can have more details on them. I know I might be able to include the box in only 1 map, so I hope this won't be a problem.

I am planning to finish it in this week.

Thursday 12 November 2015

Treasure Hunters.

You can also see this image, in a better quality, and another one with the cave from a different angle on my Artstation profile.

Wednesday 11 November 2015

Almost there!

     After I finished the layout of the level and model everything, I started working on the textures. I took me some time to figure out how I should do them so that everything it will look good by themselves but also together.
          The first image illustrated the camera angle that we will have in the game. There are still some objects that need to be modeled and textured, and I still need to finish the actual map(ground).
        I also included the texture maps that I have till now. I will modify them a bit in the end but not that much. I would like to rearrange the one that includes the tree texture, so that I will have more space in it, and to include more in the one of the map(ground).
All of them are 512 x 512 pixels.

To see all the posts for your game, and to see where we are at the moment visit our group blog:

Objects Texture Map.

Tree Texture Map

Map(Ground) Texture Map.

Wednesday 4 November 2015

ZBrush Session - 4th of November

In this ZBrush session we learned about DynaMesh and inserting different object in our model.
This is one of the models I made.

Thursday 29 October 2015

Trying out an interior.

Another update on the Winter Project for the Game Art unit.

As I said in the last post I went with the model in zbrush and started working on some of the details.
This is the finished high poly model. I might change it a bit, but do not know yet.

For me, the most difficult part while doing the High poly was doing the hair.
It took me a while till a found some good tutorials, but after that everything was going way faster.


I also included some images with the wireframe from Maya.

In the end modifying the low poly did not took that much, the most difficult part remained the hair, plus the face and the hat.
For doing doing the head I used the Quad Draw tool in Maya and draw on to of a decimated version of the high poly. I choose this workflow because I have used it before in the Maya class, and it a very simple and fast way of doing it.

ZBrush Session - 21st of October

In this session we went back and worked with the ZSpheres.
I did not based everything on one reference, I combined like 3 insects in one.
This is the result.

Tuesday 20 October 2015

Small update to the Winter Project for the Game Art unit.

I am almost done with modeling the Jack in Maya. Next step will be to get it into ZBrush and try to get a more detailed version of it.
For fun, I put some colours on him, some light in the scene, and tried to get a good rendering of it.
I am quite happy with how the low poly looks, but I am aware that I might need to modify it when I am done with the high poly version.
At the moment I do not know how I will do the hair, hopefully I will find a good tutorial  that could help me. 
I like how the face ended up, it is getting closer and closer to my reference.
I consider that the light will be one of the most important part of this project, which will help me make the Jack look more scary. 
I am still considering on how I will lit him, but think that this part it will have to wait till I will put it in engine.

Wednesday 14 October 2015

ZBrush Session - 14th of October

Because we had some problems with the ZBrush Licenses in the past weeks, and some of my colleagues didn't had the chance to work in ZBrush, we went back on what we have learned till this moment. Stuff like: Brushes, Subtool, Materials, Painting.

This is what I did on this session.

Combat Knife - Maya session - 8th of October

Because last week we had Jack Eaves at uni to do a session for us and staying after to discuss our portfolio, I had to skip the Maya session, so I had to continue the knife at home.
It took me a while to finish to this stage, just because I had a bit of a problem with assigning material in ZBrush.

P.S.: Jack's session was awesome!!

Saturday 10 October 2015

Winter Project for the Games Art unit.

   Hi everyone,

   For this project we have to choose an object that we would want to model and texture it.
   After a small talk with my teacher I decided to go for the scary version of Jack in a box.
   As usual, I went online and did a bit of research. Tried to find some interesting boxes and some really scary clowns. After hours of searching on different websites a could not find a clown that would look nice in the day light, but at the same time to be scary at night. But, as you can see in the images below, I decided to go for the clown from the animated cartoon franchise "Scooby-Doo".

The beginning of the modeling. I decided to go and do a low poly first so that when I will go into ZBrush I will have the base of the face ready.
I did the same thing the box. Even if I could go into Quixel Suite and use NDO to create the normal map for the box (would have been easier), I decide to go for the ZBrush workflow so I can get familiar with that type of workflow, since is the first time I am using it.

Wednesday 7 October 2015

First Milestone of the Winter Project!

For this terms' game project my team and I got to do a game about "Aztec" and "sports".
As usual, I first went and searched a bit on the subject. As I am the environment artist, I concentrated more on architectural element and Aztec temples.
As we decided that we will make an isometric game, and we would like to try and make it for tablets, I went and looked on how other artists managed to do low poly props for the environment, with a very low poly count, and still make them look good. I also looked at some characters just to help my Character Artists, and also at how Dota 2 manages the scale of the environment.
After doing all that, I started sketching out some ideas. Basically all of the team had to do this part. After we decided with what we want to go for, we gave all the sketches to our Concept Artist, so she can work with them.
I also went in Maya and did two Grey Boxes so that we will have a better understanding of how the map will look in the end, and to set a bit of scale to everything. 

We also had to make another blog only for this project. Here is the link if someone is interested:

ZBrush Session - 7th of October

This week we learned about SubTools. How to mask out the areas that we want and to make them as a separate objects.

Saturday 3 October 2015

Combat knife - Maya session - 1st of October

In this session we had to finish modeling the combat knife.
Most of it was done doing the class but I still had some things to work on before posting it.

Thursday 1 October 2015

The Souls of The Dead - Personal Project

This one was my entry for challenge 29 for the Brainstorm group on Facebook.
The theme was "The Day of the Dead". 

The way home - Personal Project

Even thought I am the environment artist for this terms winter submission I really wanted try and do a concept art related to it.
For our game we had to extract two pieces of paper from a box and what was written on them it is the theme of the game. My team got Aztec and sports.

Friday 25 September 2015

Combat knife- Maya session of 24 of September

In this session we had to model a combat knife from a given image.
We did not had restrictions to the poly cunt so I tried to get as much details as I could without going to far.

Reference Image:
