Tuesday 25 November 2014

Classwork- Session 7- Week of 24th November

            This week in class we had to design, after a short briefing about body proportions, a dwarf and an elf character. These character had to respect some proportions as well, the dwarf had to be 4 heads tall, and the elf 9.5 heads. As you can see I stood and worked only on the dwarf, it took me like 2, 2 and a half hours. I will try making the elf these days, and also post it on the blog.

       Over the weekend I modified a bit the dwarf, after a got some feedback from one of my friends.

              I also managed to do the elf, and I stood on it only for 2 hours, 2 hours and a half, so I have not got time to go into too many details.

I also put them in one image to show the difference between them.

Tank Concept- Session 6-Week of 17th November

       This week's assignment was to create a tank or armoured vehicle concept, using the perspective construction and value techniques for lighting, that we learn in class (see Classwork-Session 6-Week of 17th November post). The design of the vehicle did not had to be too complex, because a simple design would have helped us with the construction and lighting. 
       For this assignment I had 2 mood boards, because the internet was full with a lot of great images of real tank and concepts.

         After looking a bit in the moodboard I went and started drawing in my sketchbook, making some simple concepts, not caring on the design but more on its functionalities.
        After sketching I went in photoshop and started doing some silhouette of tank, trying to come up with some designs, but I was not so proud with them, and did not like how the design looked in photoshop, so I went back to my sketchbook, combining all the previous designs in one.
            After a time I came out with this design, not such a great one, but as I mentioned earlier, we had to keep it simple.
                                                                    My final concept.
              I also added a human shape in the concept, suggesting the dimensions of the tank. 

Friday 21 November 2014

Classwork -Session 6 (Maya)

This week in class we had to animate a turret that was given to us by our teacher. I managed to put a video with the turret, but sorry for the poor quality (if it is that bad I will try to put a better one on youtube and put it then here).

Week 6 of Life Drawing

This week in Life Drawing course we tried something new. We had to draw just some parts of our model's body, arranging them in the paper to make a composition and to look good. We were aloud to use what kind of style we wanted. As usual we started my making 3 fast poses, that took 5 minutes each, then the others, that took 15 minutes each.

Classwork- Session 6 -Week of 17th November

             This week, in class session, we had to create a 20 grayscale swatches in multiples of 5%. Then, after watching a tutorial made by Scott Robertson on how to render matter surfaces, we had to create a light box and a dark box, using the same technique as he did. We had to use value to create the illusion of 3D form in a 2D image.

Week 6 Classwork-Session 5- Week of 3rd November

          This week, in class session, we had to copy an image that was printed for us on a piece of paper. The goal of this was to exercise working with speed, making decisions and judgements,to get as close as we can to the looks of the image, in 2 hours or less.

Week 6-7 assignment

This week's assignment was to model and texture a gas pump in Maya, using a Lynda tutorial.

Saturday 15 November 2014

Insectoid- Personal Project

          Being inspired by the assignment that we had this week (about designing an "insectoid" with a recognisably insect based), I decided to make a second design, a personal project, that I am proud to share it with you guys. At the moment my laptop kinda bailed on me, so I do not know how good the quality of the image is. If it is that bad, I will try and update it after I fix my problem. I have not done like on the other one, a front and side view, or go in stages, because I did not thought that in the end I will want to upload it.
          Please if you think that there is something I can add to it, or I mist something, or made a mistake, or simple you like it, add a comment with what you think. Thank you!

Friday 14 November 2014

Week 5 of Life Drawing

This week in Life Drawing course we had the change to paint with ink, something completely new for me. As you can see in the image below I did not have soo much time to finish them, but I tried to get them at a decent level (We had like 5, 10 minutes ).

INSECTOID-Character design- Week 6-7- Session 5-Week of 3rd November

          This week's assignment was to create an original design concept for an insectoid  character, in the game genre and style that we want. The only constraints were that our concept should be researched and recognisably insect based.


Sketches from my Sketchbook.

After having an overview on my sketches I decided to go with the 3rd one for my concept.
First I have done a front and left blueprint style view of the character, to get the proportion right.

Then I have done it in black and white to suggest what kind of material is he made from, and to have a better look where some things end, and some start.
         Before doing the final design in a three-quarter view, I started to do some poses, modifying just a bit in each one. In the end I decided to go with the 1st pose as my final design.
                                                               Final design.

Classwork-Week of 27th October- Week 5

          This week we had to transform a girl into a zombie! But fist we had too see:
                           -How easily we can create realistic affects with Style Fx in a layer.
                           -How we can construct texture maps in a way that lets us easel reuse.
                           -How Multiply and Overlay can can ease your work.
         After all that we had to make our own changes, and see the effect in Maya. Changes like:
changing the jackets colour, find a cloth texture, add a new logo to the back of the jacket, replace the face of the female. Now the Halloween themed part was to transform the girl into a zombie by painting over the texture map.
        Sorry for the late post, but had some problems with my laptop, so I had to go to the university to do all of this.

                                                   The girl that it was given to us.

                                The changes that I made to transform her into a zombie.
                                                   Viewing the zombie in Maya.

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Week 4 of Life Drawing

Hi guys. This week in Life Drawing course he had the chance to do something new and very provocative. As it was halloween, we had to draw zombies (as you can see in the bottom image), but as our model could not stay more than 5 minutes in a position, we had to do the drawing in 3, 5 minutes. The other intereste thing was the frame that we used (as you can see in the images from above). Those were done in like 10 minutes (if I remember corectly), and besides doing the model we had to do the frame in perspective, and also get its proportions correct
, because if the frame was not right, the model would not be drawn accurate.

Train Station- Personal Project

                  Train Station is a concept that I started, inspiered by one of Feng Zhu video tutorials.
( if someone is interested here is the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mH_g_e-fIzo).
                I didn't wanted to go into colours, in my vision it should been only black and white, but at the end I feel the need to add a bit. Hope that you guys like it, and please, if you see something wrong ,that I haven't noticed, or if you could give me some advice on what could I do to improve it, leave a comment. As I am at the beginning, so everything you say is useful.


My concept

Week 5- Modeling our Turret Concept

           The turret concept, is a project that we started like 2, or 3 weeks ago in our modelling course. We had, by following an given design, to make the turret as close as we can get to the design. After doing the big shape of the turret, we started adding details. We did not had to follow any design on our details, so we did what we wanted. Then, we start baking the model, with the options that we needed. The last thing that we had to do, was to put some textures on the turret, to make it more realistic.

The given design.

My design of the turret in Maya.

The detailed model, after baking it.

                                                                 My texture.

Week 3 of Life Drawing

As I mentioned in the last 2 posts of Life Drawing, the drawings are done in 5, 10 minutes. This week we also tried something new. We had,  just with shading, to suggest the shape of the model, without using any lines (the last image shows exactly what I refer to).