Wednesday 27 April 2016

Winter Submission- Done.

I am finally finished with the re-submission for the winter project.
I am quite happy with how the new Jack in a box ended up looking. It is definitely an improvement from the other, and even if the textures on the box were scaled down they don't look that bad.
I am happy that I had the chance to do the modifications in only a week.

Monday 25 April 2016


Hi everyone,
I am done with my 3D task for the Game Arts unit.
It has been a while since I started this project, but I learned a lot of new things from it; but I still had some stuff that I wanted to try but did not had the chance.
As you can see I included some screenshots from the scene view and from the game view. I am quite happy with how the scene ones look without all the image effects, but I wanted to have something that looked more cinematic in the end so that it will look like a short film when I animated the camera. I will try and see if there is a way of rendering out the animation, I would love to include that in my portfolio.
One of the things that I wanted to try and did not had the chance due to Unity's shader, was to blend textures so that I could have way less than I have at the moment. I literally had to go and do almost each object individually if I wanted the snow to be in a specific spot, which I did.
Even if our tutor provided a shader for us I was already done with texturing the environment when that happened.

                                 Scene screenshots.

                                  Game screenshots.

 Even if I was done with the environment pretty fast, spending a lot of time in Unity trying to make it look good, I still think that if I was to do it again I could do it way better and faster. 
Hopefully, I will have the chance to try and due a new one in the future, even if my dream is to be a concept artist I do not know where I will end, maybe I will have the chance to do something for film and there I will need to include a lot of 3D work since everything need to be really detailed.

Hope that you guys like what I have done with this project.

Sunday 24 April 2016

Winter Submission- Face Update.

Just wanted to show a comparison between the new head and the old one.
I am quite happy with how the new one looks, especially on the overall noise which the first one was lacking. I consider that the new string of hair are boosting the overall shape, giving a more unique shape and a more interesting one. I am still thinking if I should do something else for the eye or just keep the current one. I might just modify it a bit,
Anyway, I am still working on it at the moment, but I am happy with how it looks.

Winter Submission- Box Update.

I have finish re-doing the box textures. It took me a while. I basically went through the old textures in Photoshop and rearrange them to match the new UV layout. I choose this method because it would have took me way longer to make it from scratch and at the moment I do not have so much time.
I will start working on the face again, hopefully I will finish it by the end of today.

Saturday 23 April 2016

Winter Submission- Head Update.

So after I was done the new design for the head it was time to go in Maya and get started with the modifications that I wanted to do. 
I just took the low poly version of the head in ZBrush and started to do the mask. I am happy with how the hair looks so I am not considering modifying it, just adding more stuff on top.
As I already got comfortable with ZBrush I did not had to look for any tutorial. I knew exactly what I had to do and where every tool is.
After finishing with ZBrush and getting the backed normal map from xNormal, I went in Quixel Suite 2.0 to get some material.
As I did before on this project I did not stood and did everything in Quixel. I just got the materials that I needed and closed it, since it is disturbing my workflow too much.

I am happy with how the head looks at the moment, I still want to do more stuff to it but now I need to do the textures for the box. I want to get everything to a certain level so that if I do not have time to submit the version that I want I could still submit a better version than the last one.

Wednesday 20 April 2016

Winter Submission.

Hey everyone,

I have finally found out the mark for my winter submission, I got a B for my Jack in a Box and I am doing some improvement on it at the moment so I can resubmit it next Wednesday. Hopefully I can do everything I intended in just a week.
Some of the things that the tutor pointed out that pulled my mark down were: 

1. The face of the Jack (the design that I choose did not match the overall object and it was too simplistic). 
After talking with the tutor, I went and started doing some quick paint overs in Photoshop so I can get an interesting design before doing anything to it.
After a couple of tries I ended up with 5 designs which look better than the original. I decided to go for the 5th on because I consider that one to be the scariest and the most interesting one. 

2. I had to many materials. I had 3 and I should have had 2. I understood perfectly what my tutor pointed out but I decided at the beginning of the project with the another tutor that guides us through the whole project that I should go for 3 materials just to get more details on the box and everything around it.

Anyway, before starting doing anything I went and searched for some good UV Map layout, just so I can have some reference. I found this one which shows a really clean and well distributed UV Map.

So I went and re-did the UV Maps, creating just one UV map. I need to tell that the new one looks more professional than the old one.
Now is time to do the materials.