Friday 31 October 2014

Scary monster concept-Week 5 - Session 4 - Week of 27th October

             In the spirit of Halloween, this week's assignment was to create a scary monster concept. 
             We had the chance to choose how our monster should look (monstrous, ghastly, drippy, icky, ghoulish, ghostly, witchy, stylised). I started by making 6 silhouettes of monsters, choosing 3 that I want to detail a bit, and, remaining with just one that I want to be my concept.


                                                             The silhouettes.
                                                       The 3 that I detailed a bit.
             My final concept. As you can see I modify it, because the one from the 3 detailed silhouettes, wasn't too correctly designed.

Friday 24 October 2014

Lynda Modelling Assignment - Week 3 and 4

As last week assignment, we had to create objects, furniture, and to apply our own texture using a Lynda tutorial. As the previous post of Maya, I posted two images (one with texture and one without)to show the difference.

Thursday 23 October 2014

Alien Caterpillar- From Week 2 (sorry for the late post)

                Basically in this week class assignment we had to paint over a linework. This creature concept belongs to Arne Niklas Jansson, and we had to follow his method of painting to get to this stage. His technique, as you can see in the image below (my progress), uses flat colours and basic shading over linework.

                                                  The progress of the assignment

                                                            The Final Design

Perspective Drawing- Week 4

         This week assignment was to complete a tutorial of an urban environment, in 1 point perspective.  (  )
          Some points that we have to complete were:
                     1.It had to be done in our sketchbook/a separate peace of paper.
                     2. It had to be finished off with colours ("watercolour or light markers tend to work well for this style of environment drawing")
                                                      First sketch, using the tutorial.
                                               As you can see I modify my sketch a bit because the composition was off balance. So I had to add some elements to restore it.

The painted design (watercolour)

                              As I was not fully satisfied with my watercolour sheet, and wanted to go digital with this project, I tried a photoshop version of it.

My final design ( with some small details from the previous image)

Saturday 18 October 2014

Maya- week 2

This week we had to create a pry bar, a sledgehammer and a ladder, using a Lynda tutorial. As you can see in the images below I had the chance to make my own texture and apply it to the object, something completely new for me. I posted two images (one with texture and one without) to show the difference.

I posted this image to show the difference between the object. I am referring to height and texture.


Futuristic Weapon

This week homework assignment was to create a futuristic sci fi weapon. Some things that we had to respect were: 1. It should be a mechanical one 
                       2. Must be a projectile firing gun
As usually I started by researching for reference, first for some real guns, then for some sci fi weapons, that other artists have done. As you can see in the images below, I continue by doing some quick sketches, selecting and modifying the one that I like, till I choose the one that I want to be my final design.
                                                The designs from my sketchbook:
                          The 3 designs that I wanted to go further with, and modify them a bit:
          The gun that I chose to go for as my concept, with some small changes from the last image:
                                                                  Final design:

Character design- week 3

This week we had to create at least 3 character design using silhouettes, they have to be worked into in grayscale to bring out details . As reference we have to research for images of crustaceans.
My designs:

week 2- Life Drawing

As I mentioned last week, most of the drawing are done in 5 minutes, but in this image there are some that we have to do in 10 minutes.

Saturday 11 October 2014

Creature with Tentacles.

     This weeks task is to design a creature with tentacles, using reference from reality. Below is my reference sheet that I have managed to make:
Using the reference, I started to do some quick sketches, trying to come up with something more original. Didn't know if to go for a creature with the body of a man, or of an animal. After some thinking I decided to go with the one wearing a mask from the third sheet, as my design.
               This is the final design of my creature. I would like to add up more details, and maybe show it from different angles, but this is for now.

Sunday 5 October 2014

Soul Hunter

Soul Hunter is a concept that I started a while ago, but I didn't had the time to finish it at that moment. As you can see in the process below, I wasn't fully happy how the design was going, so I went back and modify it, and at the final stage I didn't feel that it is necessary to add colors, so, I kept it black and white.

To be continued (Christmas Task)

         These are the second and the third part of my base. The pictures also include a full view of my project. As I mention in an earlier post, I did not go into details because I wanted to check how it all works out in Unity, and if it is playable. I do not know if I will stick with this idea/design till the end, but I will see in the next days.

Friday 3 October 2014

The beginning of my Christmas Task

             The action takes place in a military lab, where our main character was kept captive, against his own will. One day the base gets attacked, leaving the hole place empty, and a chance for him to escape. It will basically be made from 3 part, every part with its on traps. What you can see in the image from the bottom (the print screen from Maya) is the first part of the base. I made a simple design, because I wanted to test it first in Unity to see that i should modify,and if it will work for my idea.

Anatomy studies

                Here are some anatomy studies that I have done during the Life Drawing classes at the university. Most of them are done in 5 minutes, but, there are also some that took 20, or 30 minutes. So, as you can see, I did not have the time to go into details, I did my best to get the posture of the model and to make it look like him/her (we had 2 models) in the little time that we had.