Monday 30 November 2015

Unity- Week 10

This week we learned how to make fire and water in Unity and hot to vertex paint in Maya.
The results are pretty cool. It is something that I will definitely use in the future.

Monday 23 November 2015

Almost there.

Just want to share the stage I am at the moment with the winter triple A game asset.
 As you can see in the images below, I have done all the UV unwrap for my model and started to create the texture maps.
I first used Quixel Suite 1.0 to create the textures and then I closed Quixel and started working on them individually, applying the design of the box and the extra blood.
I choose to close Quixel because it was slowing me down. I had to wait a lot of time for it to do his things and it was quite annoying, especially when you are in a creative mood and you have to wait for a program, even if it is 10 seconds.
 Due to the fact that I could see only the front of the box, and a bit of the top in my reference, I had the chance to express myself on the sides and the back of the box, not just copying what I can see from an image.

I wanted to suggest that the box was used as a murder weapon. Someone using it to smash someone else's skull.
I am quite happy with how the box ended up looking.
I do not know if it is too obvious, but I strategically placed the stars and the blood to guide the viewer's eyes to the frond of the box.
Just wanted to point that out. :)

As you can see I did 3 separate UV Maps. I made this decision after I spoke with my tutor. We decided to go for 3 maps so I can have more details on them. I know I might be able to include the box in only 1 map, so I hope this won't be a problem.

I am planning to finish it in this week.

Thursday 12 November 2015

Treasure Hunters.

You can also see this image, in a better quality, and another one with the cave from a different angle on my Artstation profile.

Wednesday 11 November 2015

Almost there!

     After I finished the layout of the level and model everything, I started working on the textures. I took me some time to figure out how I should do them so that everything it will look good by themselves but also together.
          The first image illustrated the camera angle that we will have in the game. There are still some objects that need to be modeled and textured, and I still need to finish the actual map(ground).
        I also included the texture maps that I have till now. I will modify them a bit in the end but not that much. I would like to rearrange the one that includes the tree texture, so that I will have more space in it, and to include more in the one of the map(ground).
All of them are 512 x 512 pixels.

To see all the posts for your game, and to see where we are at the moment visit our group blog:

Objects Texture Map.

Tree Texture Map

Map(Ground) Texture Map.

Wednesday 4 November 2015

ZBrush Session - 4th of November

In this ZBrush session we learned about DynaMesh and inserting different object in our model.
This is one of the models I made.