Saturday 21 March 2015

Environment design

Starting from a relaxing practice, just playing with shapes and some compositional schemes, and ending up with this one. As mentioned, I started this piece just for fun, but as time went by I started to like it, and at a point I said that I will try and finish it.

                                                              The final stage.


Saturday 14 March 2015

Anthropomorphic Character Design- Week of 10th Mar

This week we had to design an anthropomorphic character of a frog. We started it in class, and I continued it, a bit, at home. I did not had to much time to look for reference, so I picked the first ones that seem more interested.


                                                        The one that I went for.
                                                  The stage where I got  in class.

                                           What I have done at home(not finished yet).

 Another update.

Wednesday 11 March 2015

Organic modeling- Week of 10th Mar

This week in modeling class we got our last assignment for this terms. We have to model a cartoon character, being very careful to respect his topology.

My update on the model.


Update (03.16.2015)

Final update(03.18.2015)

Life Drawing- 4th of March

This week's life drawing. This week we had a new model, which was more expressive, and the shapes were easier to read. The drawing were done in 1, 5 and 20 minutes.

Tuesday 3 March 2015

Textures- week of 2nd March

This week we learned how to create good looking textures, by layering and manipulating basic reference images. We started from an untextured 3D model, and had to make it look as good as we can. We used just simple diffuse maps, no bump map or specular maps. I still think that what I have done is not finished, but I will get back to it in this weekend.

The 3D model that we got.

T-Rex- Week of 3th Mar

In today's modeling class we learned how to proper UV unwrap the T-Rex, using the new featuristics of Maya 2015.

Monday 2 March 2015

Games Encounters Spring Submission-The 3d enemy models.

So, after a talk with my colleagues, we decided that 2 of us will do the enemy ships, while the other 2 will try and make the bosses. So, I started to make at least one ship for each level that we will make. I still do not have one for the ocean level, but hope that I will have it by the end of this weekend. You can also see some other stuff that I have been doing till now on my deviantart account


Games Encounters Spring Submission

  Hi guys, in this term, we have to create a demo of a ‘Flying Shooter’ game!!! We were divided into groups and put to think about the game that we want to make, it's design and how we will make it. This assignment was split in 4 parts: Pre-Production, Alpha, Beta and Gold. Each one with it's own deadline.
   First, the Pre-Production has its deadline on 02/02/15. Till then we must come up with Game Designs, Concept Art, Game Play Prototypes.
   As we are 4 people in our group, we decided that each one of us will do a different part of the project. My job is to do the Concept Art for the background, for now. We have decided to go for a more cartoony style.
My references.

I have not done so many sketches, but the ones that I have done are for the jungle background.

   My designs for the background. I am not sure if we will stick with them till the end of the project, but this is the start of it.

Games Encounters Spring Submission- Icons

Just some basics icons that I made for the game.

Games Encounters Spring Submission- The Background.

Hi, I have run the background a bit. We needed them bigger. Even if I just copied again the same image and put it need the other, I had to go back in and merge them together.

Games Encounters Spring Submission- Scripts I have done for the game!

These ones are my scripts for the game. Some of them have been used in the prototype as well, and have been updated by my colleagues, depending on what they were doing.
As you can see I had some difficult time with some of them, trying to make them work exactly as I wanted. I have made a universal mover, that we used to move all the objects in the game, even the backgrounds. In the end I decided not to make the backgrounds move(we have 4 of them), but make them scroll, giving us the advantage to make the level last as long as we wanted. The background are made big enough, so that you will not feel the strange sensation of repetition.

1.Destroy By Boundary Script. This was made especially for the enemy and bullets that they were firing. So that after they exit that trigger to get destroy from the game.

2. Destroy By Contact Script. Made for when the enemy(and the bullets) hit the player. I basically destroys both targets on collision.

3.Game Controller Script. This script help us with swapning the enemies. As you can see,I have tried several times to improve it, and still think there is space for more.

4.Level Load Script. This one basically helps us to switch between our 4 levels. For each level we changed the time a bit, soo you may spend more time in the last level, then in the first.

5.Mover Script. Oh mover script. Think it is the one that gave me the most headache from all of them. I took me a while to make it work as I wanted it to. Basically because we made x our horizontal line of the game.

6.Reset Game Script. I made a button that will allow the player to reset the game when ever he wants to. I haven't included the score reset script, because another colleague of mine is doing that.

7.Scroll Background Script. As I told earlier, I wanted to have a bit more control on how much our game will last. This why I moved from the mover script to a scrolling one. Is basically give the advantage to our game to be a infinite runner game.

8.Spawn Again Script. I am not done with this one. I don't do exactly what I want it to do, and in the end I think we will end up without using it.