Monday 2 March 2015

Games Encounters Spring Submission

  Hi guys, in this term, we have to create a demo of a ‘Flying Shooter’ game!!! We were divided into groups and put to think about the game that we want to make, it's design and how we will make it. This assignment was split in 4 parts: Pre-Production, Alpha, Beta and Gold. Each one with it's own deadline.
   First, the Pre-Production has its deadline on 02/02/15. Till then we must come up with Game Designs, Concept Art, Game Play Prototypes.
   As we are 4 people in our group, we decided that each one of us will do a different part of the project. My job is to do the Concept Art for the background, for now. We have decided to go for a more cartoony style.
My references.

I have not done so many sketches, but the ones that I have done are for the jungle background.

   My designs for the background. I am not sure if we will stick with them till the end of the project, but this is the start of it.

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