Friday 9 January 2015

Starting a new personal project.

   Hi guys, after seing Alex Negrea's work, and especially the new technic that he implemented in his work (speaking about the AO pass), I decided to give it a try in one of my own projects. This is the first time that I try something like this, so hope it doesn't look too horrible.

   This is my workflow till now.
                              Some sketches I have done to find an interesting pose. I was looking for something more dynamic than my earlier designs.
                             Diceded on 2 of them, and brought them to a acceptable level.
   In the end I went with the first pose. It looks more natural, and I had some problems with the second one, at making the hand in perspective, so it could look ok.
                                              The reference that I used in the design.
    This is my AO pass till now. I didn't finish it yet, but I am in the process of doing it. Just wanted to share what I was up to.
After some feedback, that I received from the LevelUp group on facebook, I remade my work. I started it again and made a better AO pass. I also put a shadow just to see how it locks(I won't keep it for the final peace).

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