Saturday 31 January 2015

Intro to Mudbox- Week of 26th January

This week we had a Mudbox session with one of our guest, Tony Mayor, who introduced us in the basics of this modeling software. After a hour of trying to accommodate with the tools, he gave us the assignment to model and texture a T-Rex. Due to the fact that my first try was a failure, I restarted it and ended up with this one. Hope you like it.

PixelArt- Week of 26th Jan

This week we learned a bit about pixel art, and about its characteristics.
After a presentation of some work that was already done in pixelstyle, we were given the assignment to make your own fire hydrant. This is the result that I came up with. I started to make a little town in the same style, I will post it after is finished. 

Thursday 22 January 2015

Landscape Concept- Personal Project

After seeing some tutorial from Jonas De Ro about digital painting, I went and tried my own version of an environment, with what I learned from him. It is the first time when I used photos in this way. I usually only got some scratch texture from photos, but now they make like 60% of my concept. I am quite pleased with how this one turned out, and think I will try to make some more work using the same technique.

Life Drawing- 22th of January

This week's life drawing. In this week we had to draw on the tables in order to make the test and see with what are we most comfortable option (table or easel). This is what I end up with.

Monday 19 January 2015

Anatomy study- muscle Assignment

This week's assignment was divided in 2 parts. One way to study the human muscle making some sketches of key muscle groups in our sketchbook . The second part was to make 2 illustrations of the body (front and back), naming the key muscles. 
These references were provided to us, and they look pretty good so I stuck with them.

My studies.

Sunday 18 January 2015

Life Drawing- 15th of January

If in the last term I had the chance to study only 2 models, this term someone else has appeared in the view. As usually we did not have so much time to go into details. The ones that are sharing the same page are done in 1 and 3 minutes (you can see from the sketches for which one I had only 1 minute), and the ones that are full page, in 15 minutes.

Friday 9 January 2015

Starting a new personal project.

   Hi guys, after seing Alex Negrea's work, and especially the new technic that he implemented in his work (speaking about the AO pass), I decided to give it a try in one of my own projects. This is the first time that I try something like this, so hope it doesn't look too horrible.

   This is my workflow till now.
                              Some sketches I have done to find an interesting pose. I was looking for something more dynamic than my earlier designs.
                             Diceded on 2 of them, and brought them to a acceptable level.
   In the end I went with the first pose. It looks more natural, and I had some problems with the second one, at making the hand in perspective, so it could look ok.
                                              The reference that I used in the design.
    This is my AO pass till now. I didn't finish it yet, but I am in the process of doing it. Just wanted to share what I was up to.
After some feedback, that I received from the LevelUp group on facebook, I remade my work. I started it again and made a better AO pass. I also put a shadow just to see how it locks(I won't keep it for the final peace).

Tuesday 6 January 2015

6th January 2015- Lizard Dude- Class Assignment

Hi guys, today we started the photoshop course by watching one of Feng Zhu's tutorial, where he renders a creature. After finishing it, we had to try doing what we have seen. As you can see, in the image below, the line work was already provided to us.

Feng Zhu's line work

                                                                 My design

The beginning of a new term- 6th January 2015- Space Cruiser modeling assignment

   Hi guys, as a new year starts at the university, we are beginning to learn new things. We began the year with a modeling challenge. The assignment that we got today was to model a ship, having as reference a 2D designed one, seen from different angles.

The 2D model that we have got.

   The preparation of the work space for a better workflow and surety that I get the correct measurements.

   The stage that I managed to get at today. I will try to finish modeling it during these days. From what I heard, next week we will have to texture it, which means more exciting work.


The Space Cruiser so far. Is time to go in and model the small details.