Thursday 26 February 2015

Steampunk- week of 23th Feb

 This week's assignment was to design a steampunk character, machine, vehicle or device. After thinking of what I can do, I decided to go for a steampunk character. One of your conditions has to be instantly recognisable as being in the steam punk genre.

For this project I gathered a lot of reference. I think I had something around 300 images.

Thinking of some designs.

                                                         Trying out some poses.

After I decided on a pose, I went and try to make some proper designs to see with which one I will go to the final stage.

Final Design.

Monday 23 February 2015

T-Rex- Week of 16th Feb

This week, in modeling class, we had to continue the  low poly T-Rex model that we started last week.

Paintover techniques- Week of 16th Feb

This week's task was to try some paintover techniques on 3D models.

First model.

                                                               Second model.

Sunday 15 February 2015

Lava Creature Assignment- Week of 9th Feb

This weeks task was to try out these techniques by designing our own Lava Creature. Our only instructions were to be dark, rocky and the cracks to reveal the lava inside.



Final Design

T-Rex- Week of 9th Feb

This week, in modeling class, we had to model a low poly T-Rex from a given 2D concept. We had to model only the head and the body. The arms and legs will be models next week, but as I finish faster in class, I decided to give a try and model them.

Lava Dude- Week of 9th Feb

   This week we tried to make lava using different techniques(by playing with fx in photoshop or by photo texture). As a classwork we were given a model and had to make lava appear from he's cracks, and try to change the background.

Given Model.

                                                                  My Design

Thursday 5 February 2015

Having fun with colours.

This time I tried to do a environment without using any kind of photo textures, ore photobashing. I started by doing some simple sketches, trying out some ideas. The end result is not exactly what I had in mind the first time I started this painting,but I think is better then my first design. I have attached a process of my workflow.


Final design
